
Map and Identify Locations that are Newly at Risk, or at Higher Risk for Fire Hazards


Work with the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE), the Sacramento Metropolitan Fire District (Metro Fire), and any other fire department operating within the boundaries of the County to map and identify locations within the County that are newly at risk, or at higher risk, for wildfire hazards as a result of climate change and its impacts. Wildfire hazards may include direct damage to the American River Parkway; structures; electrical transmission, transportation, and communication infrastructure; increased rates of erosion, landslide, and water quality degradation; and ecological disturbance.

Benefits: Mapping and identifying locations that are already at high risk or will be with climate change would assist with the implement​ation of Measure Fire-02, listed below.

Timeframe: Near term​


The efforts for this measure have started. ​​

​Status of Implementation

The Planning and Environmental Review Division routinely coordinates with CalFire in the preparation of their Fire Hazzard Severity Maps.  The latest review was for 2022 and the maps are available at: Fire Hazard Severity Zones Map | OSFM (ca.gov)

The Sacramento County Office of Emergency Services (SacOES) is the recipient of the California Fire Safe Council grant (part of the California Climate
Investment Program) established to support a Fire Safe Council Coordinator to build a county-wide wildfire mitigation group census, assess wildfire resiliency and emergency preparedness, and assess gaps while developing recommendations to fill them (such as mapping fire safe council boundaries along with very severe, high, and moderate hazard zones), and to develop and improve outreach and coordination mechanisms. FireSafe Council (saccounty.gov)

Updated 9/17/2024.