
Improve Pedestrian Network and Facilities


The County will update the Pedestrian Master Plan and will implement projects and programs identified in the Pedestrian Master Plan to reduce barriers to walking and increase mobility for all users of the roadways.​


The efforts for this measure have started. ​​


Update the P​edestrian Master Plan, or adopt a replacement, such as the in-progress Active Transportation Plan, to:

  • identify all gaps in the pedestrian network throughout the County;

  • identify barriers and constraints to pedestrian mobility in the County;

  • develop a methodology for prioritizing future pedestrian improvements that could be based on pedestrian demand and deficiency;

  • develop a pedestrian capital improvement program;

  • reference the VMT mitigation program in GHG-11 (e.g., VMT mitigation fee, bank, or exchange), which could provide a new funding mechanism for these improvements; and

  • develop a complete streets policy and implementation program consistent with the SACOG Policy to Practice Cycle to enhance pedestrian mobility.

Work on updating the Pedestrian Master Plan, or replacement, should be coordinated with SacRT to ensure that the County’s pedestrian network supports transit.

Timeframe: Midterm​

GHG Reduction Potential1,390 MT CO2e per year by 2030

Sec​t​or: Vehicles - On-Road

Target Indicator: 50 percent of projects identified in the Pedestrian Master Plan (or Active Transportation Plan when adopted) built out by 2026 and 75 percent built out by 2030.

​Stat​us of Implementation

The Department of Transportation seeks funding for competitive and formula grants in order to plan, design, and construct bicycle, pedestrian, Americans with Disabilities Act infrastructure, and non-infrastructure programs. Staff administers grants; monitors performance objectives and other grant requirements; and prepares necessary reports in conformance with federal and state requirements. Department staff provide input on bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure, in addition to other modes, in short range and long range plans for new subdivisions. Staff prepare bicycle and pedestrian-related plans, including the Active Transportation Plan​, feasibility plans, and corridor plans. The Department is currently working on a feasibility plan for Stockton Boulevard from Florin Road to Mack Road/Elsie Avenue for Class IV bikeways, sidewalk infill, and other improvements.

In addition to infrastructure improvements, the Department is seeking funding for the development and implementation of a Pedestrian Wayfinding Mobile Application. The application gives people real time directions for walking and rolling to their destination, customized to the individual's mobility needs. The app provides information such as presence of sidewalks, location of curb ramps, tripping hazards, and major obstructions, which can be especially helpful to seniors and people with disabilities.

Updated 11/13/2023