When plans for development projects are submitted by applicants for review, evaluate whether residential neighborhoods can access commercial, cultural, recreational, and other community-supportive destinations by bicycle, walking, or using public transportation.
Timeframe: Long term
GHG Reduction Potential: Not quantified
Sector: Vehicles - On-Road
Target Indicator: Development of a geographic information system (GIS)-based scoring system no later than 2025 to screen new development applications for accessibility to amenities. The scoring system will set a minimum point total for compliance, which will be the sum of points assigned to community-supportive destinations (e.g., community centers, religious land uses, schools, grocery stores, parks) within a certain range using the following transportation modes:
- walking: one-quarter-mile walk from proposed residential development via continuous and direct pedestrian connections;
- bicycling: one-half-mile bike ride from proposed residential development, via continuous and direct bicycle connections (multi-use paths, on-street bike lanes); and
- driving: within a 5-minute drive from proposed residential development.
Status of Implementation
The goal of the County's 2022 Active Transportation Plan (ATP) is Connectivity and Access: Sacramento County residents will have access to neighborhood destinations by walking, bicycling, and rolling and can seamlessly connect to networks in incorporated cities; Sacramento County residents will travel more by active transportation modes.
Several of the ATP implementation measures include:
Ensure walking, bicycling, and rolling routes connect to both neighborhood-serving destinations—such as schools, libraries, parks, and transit stations—and regional destinations such as job centers and major commercial areas.
Make bicycling more attractive than driving for short trips of five miles or less by developing and maintaining a bikeway system that provides direct, safe, and convenient travel by active transportation throughout neighborhoods in Sacramento County with connections to adjacent municipalities
Eliminate gaps in the bicycle and pedestrian networks to improve connectivity and physical access between neighborhoods and destinations
The Department of Transportation seeks funding for competitive and formula grants in order to plan, design, and construct bicycle, pedestrian, and Americans with Disabilities Act infrastructure in support of this GHG measure.
Updated 7/12/2024.