
Partner with Local Agencies and Utilities on Heat-Related Climate Change Initiatives and Efforts


Partner with the SMAQMD, SMUD, PG&E, and SACOG to implement future and ongoing heat-related climate change initiatives. The County’s partnership in ongoing programs and future initiatives could include helping other organizations increase participation in existing programs through education and promotion and by using and integrating them into County programs and activities, where feasible. Examples include but are not limited to participation in SMAQMD’s Regional Urban Heat Island Initiative, the Sacramento Tree Foundation's Shade Tree and NeighborWoods Programs, PG&E’s Energy Efficient Cool Roof program, and SACOG’s Complete Streets GHG reduction measures.

Benefits: Implementation of this action, which includes both leveraging and supporting existing programs, as well as partnering on the development of future initiatives, can mitigate the effects of the UHIE, which is the additional artificial heat gain as a result of heat absorbed by roofs, pavements, and other components of the built environment.


Reducing the UHIE provides a range of co-benefits, including lowered risk of heat-related illnesses, heat stroke, and heat-related fatalities; improved air quality through reduced ozone formation; energy savings for building occupants; and greater grid resilience. If urban forestry is part of the strategy, additional benefits include carbon sequestration, stormwater filtration, neighborhood beautification, reduced particulate matter, improved habitat, increased property values, and improvements to mental health and cognitive function.

​Timeframe: Near term​​​

​​​​​​In Progress

Efforts for the measure have begun and some target indicators have been achieved.

Status of Implementation

The County partners with regional agencies through many pathways. One is through the Sacramento County Building Electrification MOU. The MOU is a no-cost agreement originally developed by SMUD and the City and County of Sacramento to work together and coordinate on building electrification efforts. All other incorporated cities in Sacramento County have been invited to join the MOU with the City of Elk Grove joining the partnership. The above agencies hold a monthly coordination meeting to coordinate, troubleshoot, and strategize about advancing building electrification, which through comprehensive energy upgrades that include landscaping and cool roofs has tremendous potential to address the urban heat island effect.

Another regional partnership is pursuing the U.S. EPA's Climate Pollution Reduction Grants.  The County has agreed that the Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District is the appropriate entity to lead this large regional grant opportunity.   County staff are collaborating regionally and across jurisdictions to build one unified, regional grant application.  The Sacramento County Sustainability Manager represents Sacramento County on the steering committee for this opportunity and is also leading the regional working group on carbon farming and sequestration to support this grant application. Other working groups are being formed around topical areas such as the built environment, infrastructure, and transportation. 

Additionally, the County has recently supported the City of Sacramento in successfully securing a U.S. EPA Government to Government grant supporting weatherization and tree planting work in the North Sacramento/Del Paso, Meadowview, and Stockton Blvd. area (including the unincorporated county).

Updated 12/15/23